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Review: Pre-Party at Artist Village, Campbell Coast

To get into the mood for the upcoming Mainland Tour, the first step was a visit to the Artist Village at the Campbell Coast community. While dancing to prog-rock classics from the good old 60s and funky tunes from the glamourous 70s, a few of the artists have been around as well, ready to answer questions about their work, or the Artist Village in general.

The Artist Village hosts a bunch of various artists' current projects in the buildings that are located on both sides of the canal in the middle of the area. The works of the artists range from classic to modern approaches; from dark to cheerful themes; from writing, or singing, or painting, or sculpting to photographing. Some artists are well-known around the grid, some are yet to be discovered by a broader audience. You can find exhibitions by GoSpeed Rasere, Ceakay Ballyhoo, Anouk Lefavre, Whimsical Aristocrat, David Silence, CybeleMoon, AudieG, Caly Applewhyte, Inara Pey, Giovanna Cerise, Gidgy, Suzen JueL, eta, Owl, Kat Heartsong, ... and many, many more...

It were actually too many names, I lost track! Just come by and bring some time to discover everything, it is worth a visit.



Mainland Tour is a non-profit project for exploration tours within the virtual world Second Life. The site and blog contains announcements of tour dates, and additional information related to the visited loctions and communities.

The tours and this matching blog is hosted by Yukiko Yeshto. 


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