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This is a quick guide to help you making steering easy and comfortable for you in case you aren't used to Teegle Horses yet.


Make sure that you still stand on the Rez Zone parcel while following through these steps!


1. Click on the saddle stand and choose a horse from the menu.
























2. Once your chosen horse is rezzed, right-click on it and choose "Ride" to sit on it.


3. A Pop Up Window will ask you to accept the HUD. Choose "Yes".
























4. Get easily rid of the hover text by clicking the horse and disable the hover text in the settings.





















5. Read all steps first before you follow it: Choose "Walk" from the HUD. Click "Auto-Walk". Tap "Arrow Down" on your keyboard which will make your horse stop walking.


Once you are in "Auto-Walk" mode, all you have to do is to steer the horse with the left & right arrows. And if you want to change speed, you only have to tap the up & down arrows once (Backwards < Halt > Walk > Trot > Canter > Gallop).

If you are not in "Auto-Walk" mode, you have to hold down your arrow keys to keep moving at all, and you might end up in a higher speed accidentally since moving forward and going faster is both triggered by the arrow up key. So for beginners, and for a stress-free experience overall, I highly suggest to use "Auto-Walk" mode.





























6. Click the camera icon if you want to change your camera view, and choose an option that suits you best. Once done, click the < icon to go back to the main menu.






























7. If you don't want to have the whole HUD showing up while riding, click the ^ icon. It is now minimized. To open the menu again, click the horse head icon.






























8. Walk your horse away from the rezzing parcel so others can rez a horse, too.







Mainland Tour is a non-profit project for exploration tours within the virtual world Second Life. The site and blog contains announcements of tour dates, and additional information related to the visited loctions and communities.

The tours and this matching blog is hosted by Yukiko Yeshto. 


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